blogJanuary 9, 2018by Webmaster0

A sequel to my article “Task Tracker off-line web application for Mobile using HTML-5, jQuery-UI and KNOCKOUT.js

In this sequel to my earlier article, some additional features are covered.

Couple of months back I wrote an article  on  Task Tracker  off-line web application for Mobile using HTML-5, jQuery-UI and KNOCKOUT.js. In that the focus of the article was offline programming using HTML-5 and exploring the features of different powerful frameworks such as jQuery, jQuery-UI, and Knockout. This article is an extension of it and covers some additional features such as HTML-5 Canvas, integration with back-end database using jQuery AJAX, and AJAX enabled WCF Services.

Please  Read this  article which will walk you through how to achieve this step by step.

I hope you will like it.

If you are interested in building sophisticated web solutions which can work both off-line and on-line then please get in touch for free consultation with our expert team here

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